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Top performance requires strong partners.

For the Düsseldorf Dental Academy, those are the sponsoring organizations and business sponsors.

Sponsoring organizations

The Master Degree course is run jointly by the following organisations: The German Association for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery DGZMK, the German Association for Restorative Dentistry DGZ and Düsseldorf's university Heinrich-Heine-Universität HHU.

For further information, please check the following websites:


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahnerhaltungskunde (DGZ)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn- Mund- und Kieferheilkunde (DGZMK)
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

The Master Degree course is furthermore supported by the following founding business sponsors:

Quintessenz, Berlin
VDW, Munic


The Düsseldorf Dental Academy relies on strong cooperation partnerships for the practical implementation of the degree programme:



Life Science Center, Düsseldorf (https://www.ditec-dus.de): The theoretical lessons take place mainly in the life science center, as rooms can be booked here for 2 years in advance and thus a scheduled implementation of the entire course of study is possible. The Life Science Center is used by numerous institutes of Heinrich-Heine University and can be reached in less than 5 minutes on foot from the university.

Dentsply Sirona Academy, Bensheim (https://www.dentsplysirona.com/de-de/academy/about-academy/the-academy/about-the-academy.html): The practical lessons on the 'Phantomkopf' are held in Bensheim near Frankfurt on about 15 course days. In the academy, we have the latest microscopes (Zeiss Extaro) as well as the latest units for perfect practice conditions.


Secretariat und Course Supervision

Akademie Praxis und Wissenschaft (https://www.apw.de/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9vnb9avT-QIV0Y1oCR2t8gPgEAAYASAAEgIhkPD_BwE): As a subsidiary of the DGZMK, the Akademie Praxis und Wissenschaft provides the secretariat and is therefore the direct point of contact for all questions from the first application to the preparation of certificates. The Academy's decades of experience have made this cooperation a very successful part of your studies. The contact person at the Academy is Ms. Anna Lo Bianco.

PrimeCon (https://www.prime-campus.eu): This event management company has been successfully conducting the Master's program in Endodontology for the German Society for Endodontics and Traumatology for many years. This company provides a contact person on site or online on each attendance day of the degree program, so that you are never alone when you go to Düsseldorf or Bensheim. The contact person at PrimeCon is Ms. Katrin Wolters.


The above-mentioned cooperations were concluded exclusively for the implementation of a very good course of study. The services received are financed by DDA GmbH from tuition fees, an advertising partnership or obligations to use instruments, devices or services are not associated with this. DDA GmbH is financed solely by students and is in no way bound to manufacturers of any kind.